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Tilting Shampoo Bowl Faucet, Vacuum Breaker, and Spray Hose Installation

This tutorial provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to install the necessary hardware for the Collins CB82 tilting bowl. The installation includes setting up the drain hose, faucet, vacuum breaker, and spray hose, ensuring everything is properly connected for smooth operation. Follow along to learn how to install the hardware on your CB82 or similar tilting bowl models.


Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Gather Your Tools and Hardware

  • Hardware Kit:
    • Flexible drain hose
    • Spray hose
    • Vacuum breaker assembly
    • Connecting hose (for vacuum breaker to faucet)
    • Tilt bowl (e.g., CB82)
    • Tools: Wrenches, tape, and a wing nut clamp tool.

2. Install the Drain Hose

  • Location: The drain hose attaches to the bottom of the bowl.
  • Process:
    • Turn the bowl over to access the bottom.
    • Attach the flexible drain hose to the drain connection.
    • Connect the other end of the hose to your hard piping under the sink.

3. Install the Faucet

  • Locate the Faucet Hole: On the CB82 bowl, there is a round hole for the faucet.
  • Install the Faucet:
    • Use the C-shaped bracket and rubber washer.
    • Remove the nut from the faucet, then feed the hoses down through the hole.
    • Line up the O-ring properly underneath the faucet, ensuring it sits in the groove.
    • Reinstall the C-clamp and secure it with the nut.
    • Loosely tighten the faucet at this stage to adjust for orientation later.
  • Orientation: Ensure the faucet’s hot and cold settings are correctly aligned for installation.

4. Install the Vacuum Breaker

  • Prepare the Vacuum Breaker:
    • Attach the small gasket to the top of the vacuum breaker. A helpful trick is to use tape to secure the gasket in place temporarily.
  • Attach the Vacuum Breaker:
    • Use the clamp mount to attach the vacuum breaker to the bowl.
    • Run the wing nut to tighten the clamp securely.
    • Position the vacuum breaker on the bowl with the two attached nuts.
    • Tighten the nuts once everything is aligned.

5. Ensure Correct Orientation of the Vacuum Breaker

  • Arrows on the Vacuum Breaker:
    • The vacuum breaker has arrows indicating the direction of water flow. Ensure the orientation is correct:
      • The arrow pointing up is for the faucet connection.
      • The arrow pointing down is for the spray hose connection.

6. Install the Spray Hose and Connecting Hose

  • Spray Hose:
    • Attach the spray hose to the vacuum breaker where the downward arrow is indicated.
    • Use the provided “donut” piece to suspend the spray hose in the bowl, preventing water from dripping out and damaging cabinetry.
  • Connecting Hose:
    • Attach the connecting hose from the faucet (upward arrow) to the vacuum breaker (upward arrow side).
    • Ensure everything is snug and secure.

7. Final Adjustments and Testing

  • Check all Connections:
    • Double-check that the faucet, spray hose, drain hose, and vacuum breaker are correctly installed and tightly secured.
  • Test the System:
    • Turn on the faucet and spray hose to check for proper flow and function.
    • Ensure there are no leaks, and the vacuum breaker is working to prevent contamination.


By following these steps, you’ve successfully installed the hardware for your CB82 or similar tilting bowl. This setup includes all essential components like the drain hose, faucet, vacuum breaker, and spray hose, which are vital for the optimal functioning of your salon equipment. If you have any issues, consult the detailed video on the vacuum breaker or reach out to Collins Manufacturing for further assistance.