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Processor & Dryer Base Assembly

This tutorial walks you through the steps of assembling the bottom half of the base for your drivers and processors to their stands. It includes instructions for installing casters, aligning the tube with the base, and securing bolts to complete the base assembly.


1. Install the Casters

  • Locate the Casters: The unit comes with four casters that will need to be installed on the base.
  • Thread the Casters: Thread each caster into its designated position on the bottom of the stand. The positions should be easy to identify.
  • Tighten Casters: Use the wrench that comes with the unit to start threading the casters. Tighten them snugly, but don’t overtighten. They need to be secure, but there’s no need to force them.

2. Align the Tube with the Base

  • Identify the Notch: On the base, there is a small notch at the back that aligns with a similar notch on the bottom of the tube.
  • Insert the Tube: Place the tube into the base, rotating it slightly to match the notches. Once aligned, drop the tube into place to ensure it is correctly installed.

3. Secure the Tube with a Washer and Bolt

  • Prepare the Washer and Bolt: Insert the washer onto the bolt, then position the bolt through the hole on the tube and base.
  • Start the Bolt: Begin threading the bolt into the base by hand to ensure it's started correctly.
  • Tighten the Bolt: Run the bolt down until it’s snug, securing the tube in place. Be sure not to overtighten—tighten it enough so there is no movement, but avoid using excessive force.

4. Final Tightening

  • Snug the Bolt: Once the bolt is started and tightened by hand, use a wrench to further snug it down. Again, don’t tighten it too much—just enough to secure the tube firmly to the base.

5. Complete the Assembly

  • Watch the Other Video: After completing these steps, refer to the previous tutorial for the next steps in assembling the rest of the unit.

By following these steps, you will successfully assemble the bottom half of your driver and processor stand, ensuring it is securely set up for use.